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Loggings definition, the process, work, or business of cutting down trees and transporting the logs to sawmills. See more. logging definition: the occupation of cutting down trees, cutting them into logs, and transporting the logs to a sawmill "Over Logging" is the sixth episode in the twelfth season of the American animated series South Park. The 173rd episode of the series overall, it originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on April 16, 2008. The Internet Information Services access logs include information about requested URIs and status indicating whether the response was successfully served. It writes these logs as files in the W3C Extended Log Format .

Logging truck-A special 18-wheeled truck designed to haul logs from the woods to the mill. Logger– A worker employed in the woods producing wood products or in the support of such production, such as road construction. Logging– Any or all part of converting trees into logs and transporting them to an unloading area.

Under the Internet Applicant rule, contractors are required to solicit race, ethnicity, and gender data from all individuals who meet the definition of "Internet Applicant" or the traditional definition of "applicant" depending upon which standard is applicable to the particular position.

Define logging. logging synonyms, logging pronunciation, logging translation, English dictionary definition of logging. n. The work or business of felling and

Jan 29, 2020 · VPN logging is an issue that all VPN users should be aware of, as it can drastically impact how secure your internet usage actually is. We recommend that you only use a VPN service with a strict no logging policy, so that you can be sure that logs of your activity will never be kept. Logging, process of harvesting trees, sawing them into appropriate lengths (bucking), and transporting them (skidding) to a sawmill. The different phases of this process vary with local conditions and technology. Learn more about logging, including its history. Logging, or commercial logging, involves cutting trees for sale as timber or pulp. The timber is used to build homes, furniture, etc and the pulp is used to make paper and paper products. Logging is generally categorized into two categories: selective and clear-cutting.