CertGetCertificateContextProperty function (wincrypt.h
OCSP Response Pre-Production - doc.primekey.com The OCSP Response Pre-Signer service can be used to perform such an operation. Since signing responses for every certificate issued by a CA may be very time consuming and cause high HSM load, this should be done well in advance of the CA expiration date. FAQ: Digital Certificate Revocation - SSL.com The OCSP responder’s signed response to the browser indicates whether the certificate is valid or has been revoked. Unfortunately, OCSP came with a number of issues. Many OCSP implementations weren’t reliable enough, which pushed impatient browsers and other client software to implement OCSP checking in soft-fail mode. Public Key Infrastructure Part 8 – OCSP responder Jul 25, 2014
Allow TLS clients and servers to negotiate that the server sends the client certificate status information (e.g., an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) [RFC2560] response) during a TLS
OCSP Response Pre-Signer - doc.primekey.com The OCSP Response Pre-Signer worker pre-generates, persists and updates OCSP Responses for certificates issued by the configured CAs. When the service worker runs, responses are generated according to the current OCSP settings with regards to global configuration, OCSP Key Bindings, etc. That is, the responses produced for each certificate
Apr 04, 2014
OCSP Validation With OpenSSL - DZone Security Allow TLS clients and servers to negotiate that the server sends the client certificate status information (e.g., an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) [RFC2560] response) during a TLS OCSP Response Pre-Signer - doc.primekey.com