2020-7-12 · 黑莓称神秘买家订购100万台Z10;Android设备激活量达到7.5亿部后,谷歌Android主管换帅;方正、国泰君安、华创等券商纷纷玩电商;起点中文网紧急增定福利政策,安抚作者
BlackBerry Link 2 days ago · Get your pictures, songs and videos on your new device. With BlackBerry® Link, you can manage and sync content between BlackBerry 10 devices and your computer. And if you’re transferring from a previous device, BlackBerry Link can provide a speedy, hassle-free … 黑莓z10_360百科 2013-3-4 · 黑莓z10,黑莓Z10为BB10系统L系列全触屏手机,是一款4.2英寸的全触屏设备,屏幕分辨率为1280x768像素,像素密度达到了356ppi,共有黑色和白色两种方案,在2013年3月进入美国市场。美国第三大运营商Sprint 计划在下半年发布一款全触屏黑莓 Z10 BlackBerry 10 Autoloaders - BlackBerry Developer
2014-11-14 · 黑莓公司是加拿大的一家通信公司,主要产品为手提通讯设备黑莓手机。黑莓手机(BlackBerry)是加拿大BlackBerry公司的一家手提无线通信设备品牌,于1999年创立。其特色是支援推动式电子邮件、行动电话、文字短信、互联网传真、网页浏览及其他无线资讯服务。
黑莓Z10论坛最新帖子-中关村在线手机论坛 2010-3-2 · 黑莓Z10 02版求救砖头 qq_sy0z3121496e 12-20 19:59 2 550 我的黑莓-z10 qq_818v946q3942 11-28 14:44 1 347 红包刷机z10 qq_510264r15e14 10-17 14:24 2 509 手机来电可以设置闪光灯吗? r7px74 09-01 21:22 3 241 我的Z10刷了10.3.2.2168就不能装软件了 Free & Paid BlackBerry Apps for Smartphones & Tablets
2020-7-12 · ZOL中关村在线黑莓Z10手机参数提供最全的黑莓Z10参数、黑莓Z10规格、黑莓Z10性能、黑莓Z10功能介绍,为您购买黑莓Z10手机提供有价值的参考
BlackBerry Z10 specs - PhoneArena Description. The Z10 is a fully touchscreen BB10 device sporting modern specs, with cool patterned soft-touch material on the back. The screen is 4.2" LCD with 1280 x 768 pixels, making for a pixel density of 356 pixels per inch. BlackBerry Official Home Page – Security Software & Services BlackBerry provides enterprises and governments with the software and services they need to secure the Internet of Things. BlackBerry has transformed itself from a smartphone company into a security software and services company.